Workshop Topics
We’re a CBO!
- What does “nonprofit” really mean?
- Three (interactive) sectors (public; private; community benefit)
- Can a “nonprofit” make a profit?
- Who “owns” the community benefit organization (CBO)?
- Why are community benefit agencies tax-exempt?
- Distinctions between community benefit and for-profit corporations: where does the profit go?
- The Mission/Money Matrix
- To whom (or what) are community benefit organizations accountable?
Your Best Board Meeting. Ever!
- Board meetings or “bored” meetings?
- An emphasis on the past, present or future?
- Purpose & frequency
- Agenda (development of; number of items; link to strategic plan)
- Minutes
- Zero-based verbal reports
- The action-info axis
- Consent Agenda
- Robert’s Rules or Roberta’s Rules?
What Do Great Boards (and Board Members) Do?
- What is governance?
- What is peak-performing governance?
- What does “fiduciary” really mean?
- Why do community benefit organizations have boards?
- What are the legal responsibilities of board members?
- What is the fundamental distinction between governance and management?
- The board acts as a whole; the board speaks with one voice; the board (mostly) focuses on ends; the board has one employee (from Policy Governance)
- The Good Governance Spectrum
- “Governing in Three Modes”
- What do peak-performing boards NOT do?
- What is Servant Leadership?
- What do peak-performing boards NOT do?
Nurturing a Powerful & Productive Board / CEO Relationship
- What’s a syllabus? What makes a great teacher?
- A mutually supportive partnership: CEO of the Year. Every year! Board of the Year. Every year!
- What’s in a title?
- The board has one employee
- Who evaluates? The role of the CEO Support Committee
- Prerequisites for an effective CEO support program: vision, mission, values and plan
- The CEO’s annual goals (development of; monitoring; revising)
- The importance of constant feedback (formal and informal)
- The regularly scheduled CEO/Board Chair phone call
- CEO self-assessment
- Formative and summative evaluation
- Pay for performance
- The Annual Performance Appraisal: the “no surprise” philosophy
- The CEO and the staff
Recruiting and Retaining the Peak-Performing Board
- What’s the most important standing committee of the board?
- “The Board Building Cycle” (BoardSource)
- What’s the single most accurate predictor for success of the new board member
- Attributes of an ideal board member
- But what about skills?
- Where do we find committed board members?
- How long does the process take?
- What does a board member job description look like?
- Why do “Term Limits” matter?
- How --- and why --- do we orient and mentor new board members?
- What goes into the Board Manual?
- How --- and why --- do we assess the performance of our board-as-a-whole AND individual board members?
Strategic Thinking for Boards
- What’s a Vision?
- What’s a Mission?
- What’s a Values Statement?
- Who's responsible for Strategy?
- Board and staff – respective roles in planning
- Implementing, monitoring, updating
Effective Board Committees
- Standing & ad hoc committees: what’s the difference?
- Relationship between committees and the full board
- The Executive Committee: should we have one?
- What are the most important standing committees
Michael Kumer
412 965-5791